I'm one of those fortunate few, like those who celebrate birthdays on or near Christmas, I share mine with Mother's Day. Now if I was a guy, no problem...Brad, except when you're married with children, and you forsake your birthday to help your children celebrate their mom's birthday...so, Mother's Day has been for me a combination of days. All be also, my sister's share their days close together, 14th, Jan and 16th Jini, we have in years past combined, birthdays and mothers day...we've had a good time and many memories...moo goo gai pan dropped on the floor...
As, my children have grown up and have lives of their own, they have made good attempts at keeping them separate...thank you...this year was the big 55 for me...and being one who really does not like a big to do...I was fearful Duane would put a party together, because, that is what he likes!! But wonderful husband he is, he once again out did himself. Suprising me instead with a nites stay at a guest ranch... Rankin Ranch!

Not really knowing what he was getting, being only an hour a way from town in the rolling hills from Bakersfield, he opted for a one nite stay. Little did we know of the treasure that is in our own back yard! The Ranch, comprises of 31,000 acres, an active cattle ranch since 1843,

and has been a guest ranch since 1965! Cabins, pool, food, tennis, ping pong, pool table...and of course, the best...Horse Back Riding!!
What a wonderful husband!!So much fun!! We met a couple from Germany vacationing in America, starting their 2 1/2 week tour of our National Parks at the Ranch! Hartmut and Pietra! it was nice meeting you! Hope you had a great time!

My wonderful children fixed dinner for me Sat evening...Dave did the cooking...when did he learn to cook? How he loves to bar-b-que!!! steak and twice baked potatoes...yum...he continues to amaze me...
Sunday afternoon the Chambless gang got together with their myriad of grandchildren for ice cream and lots of noise!!

Henry (thank you S&L) presented his grams with my own stepping stone to go in my flower beds!! Dump truck and all!! I love it!! And it doesn't even play music!

Whew! May is almost over...This is Memorial Day Weekend!! Thank you for all those who have faithfully served our Country! What a grand Country she is!!