Wednesday, May 2, 2007

spot light lunch

It is still spring! Have you ever noticed people don't recognize spring? Isn't spring the time when weather is unpredictable? In winter, you know it's cold, thus the name winter. Summer is the same, hot! But spring and fall are the indecisive seasons. But spring can be hot one day and cold and rainy the next. Yet the comments are always the same. If it is hot for several days, the comment is, 'we sure didn't have any springtime' and yet in a few days it could be cool and maybe rainy, and the comment is the same; 'its winter time again, the weather can't make up its' mind'. Hmmmph, thus it IS spring! All that to say, the lovely spring day made for a lunch time treat of eating outside on the sidewalk of this cute cafe Jamie discovered! What fun to have lunch together!

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