But that's just part of the busyness. The end of August I said good bye to my boss, Monda. With the slow down of construction, lay offs happen and so Aug 30th was her last day. which only means someone has to do all her work...hmmm...yes, and I'm not all that sure what her work entails. It has taken alot of energy on my part and my other co worker Beks, to fill Monda's shoes!
(okay they aren't Monda's shoes, just fun shoes and if you know Monda, she's all about fun shoes!)
One forgets how draining it is to learn new work, especially since this 'one' is old! But, I'm learning with each new situation!
Oh, yeah, and then my daughter had a baby!! and her sister-in-law and then her other sister-in-law! Yeah, 3 babies in one week! Hi five to Brenda and Ryan! Tired we all were! And Duane and I weren't all that involved! just a couple trips to the hospital! Several late nites, lots of new work at work, and holding the grand baby! It just takes time and so the blogging has not found a way into my time table! Though, one problem about blogging...I find myself blogging in my head! or making the comment, o I feel a blog coming on! Kinda like being conscience of what you wear when there is a family get together, knowing the pics will be taken and they need to look good in a scrapbook!! (Lorie's influence)
O! and then I decided to get a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that wasn't smart on my part, in the midst, my older brother had to have major surgery...yeah, the puppy went back home...better decision! Sorry Em, no pics of the new/gone puppy! Though she was sweet and cute, I didn't really think it through...duh!!! I'm enjoying my old, blind, deaf, sick dog. she kinda fits us!
And the phone call my youngest brother is having TWINS!! O! is all I can say!!!
I take full responsibility of my emotions being completely out of control! I just let them have control over me!
So, that sort of brings me up to date, not that anyone other than my daughter reads my blogs, and maybe Em, but at least I feel like I can go forward getting this all out of my head!
PS: those leopard print shoes in the picture? I have lived in them this summer! the black strappy slides, not so much!
Ok, that was a lot going on! Wasn't it all such a whirlwind?!
Oh, I totally blog in my head too! And pick out clothes knowing there will be pictures taken. And make my husband dress appropriately for those said pictures (when he'll obey). I'm such a dork.
Yay!!! You updated and YES of course I read your blog Carol. You are the one who got me blogging in the first place!!! Well again, congratulations Grams. You have had quite the busy couple of months!!! Wow. I can't believe it. Everything is so exciting and your grandson is just too precious! I love you and hope that we will see you soon!
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