Monday, November 12, 2007

I live where?

In the land of the endless sun, we do have seasons. I know hot and hotter! No, we have hot and foggy! And though I am not fond of Tule fog, the fog this morning on my commute to work was awesome. You see, In Bakersfield-land one has to look for beauty! And after Sunday's rainy day (yeah!) fog was bound to appear. Little Truxtun lake (?!!!) takes the mundane commute to anticipation, especially this time of year. This morning the fog was movie-set fog, just laying above the water. And with it being a holiday the bikers were out in force riding the bike path along the water's edge. I would have taken that picture, but didn't want to make the nightly news, 'car into the water'! But the red light enabled me to quickly snap this picture. The Canadian geese are back, at least for a short time. The are awesome perched on the slip of the bank or a float in the water. Pretty cool! We just have to look for the beauty! And I just know the red cardinal is gonna float down there sometime!!
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lorieloo said...


and love you

Rachel V said...

ooo how pretty, Aunt Carol! Great picture. Thanks for stopping by Vox; I put up another post tonight with a picture of your nephew. ;)