Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter berries!

Hard to believe one could enjoy fresh blackberries and raspberries in December! This is for you brother Walt! I don't ever eat raspberries without thinking of you. Our rainy day raspberry picking in Oregon, many, many, years ago! I spent the week with you in July by myself, Duane was working and I had a week vacation...I rode the bus home to Bakersfield...the only time I've ridden a bus traveling, more than city...yeah, haven't since either!! 22 REALLY long hours...
Plus, one has to say the word raspberry correctly...rasP-berry!
Yeah, they tasted as good as they look too!
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Walt and Pam V said...

Fresh berries in December?? You must live were the seasons are all Actually blackberries and rasPberries are wonderful anytime you can get them. Re that berry picking trip and the long bus trip back home to Bakersfield, I'm afraid you will have to refresh my memory on that one. I must have dropped those brain cells somewhere along the line.

The Norvells said...

I too cannot eat any kind of rasPberries without thinking of Dad. Also, when I was little and dad and I would drive in the car, he would always point out hawks, owls, or falcon's soaring in the sky. I do that now too, and every time think of dad. crazy how we become our parents in the end, huh?
Miss and love you auntie!

carol grams said...

I wonder where (gramma) we got the love of the birds and trees and flowers...I can hear my gramma tell me to watch that Robin or look at the color in those flowers...I too watch the birds...and will point them out to anyone around, whether they want to know or not! that's for Scott! where is that red Cardinal! love you to Karen!

carol grams said...

Oh yeah, Walt, I think it was a trip before children but I rode w/Mom and Mac to Oregon. They went to visit C&C and I stayed w/you and Angie. It drizzled rain all week, duh...except the day I was to board that bus and head for home...beautiful like the NW is in the summer, but my memory was picking rasPberries w/you in the drizzle...