Wednesday, September 9, 2009

God's way

I am truly amazed once again by God's way.  Reading Luke 1 this morning, what appears to be hardship and hurt from man's perspective, God indeed blesses. Elizabeth was barren, yet she continued to be faithful.  God says she and Zachariah were blameless, not sinless, but blameless.  In their day to day life, the mundaneness of life, they had their hurts, and longings and wants and desires, but in all that they remained faithful and 'blameless'.  And our God comes, comes into their midst and blesses.  And not just with a baby, but the cousin of Jesus, the son of God, His son!  Makes me ask, am I being faithful, 'blameless' in the mundaneness of my life? and as I write this, I am reminded how my God has come, come into my midst to bless, blessing too numerous to list and I am amazed by His ways.        I Cor 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?

1 comment:

lorieloo said...

love this. love you.