To blog or not to blog, that is the question. Do you think Shakespere would have blogged?
In a recent trip to the coast, my daughter pulled off the road to share this old house with me. It is falling down and will soon not be there, yet the front door still stands. I love old buildings. It makes me want to go inside and visit with those who have lived inside. To hear their stories and see a glimpse of their lives. Kind of like blogging. For the past year I have dropped in on the blogs of my family, to glimpse a part of their lives. I have some how felt a little more connected with this large family which is spread all over the country. I have contemplated creating my own blog, but have always talked myself out of it. However, I have finally succombed to creating my own blog. You may, well probably, will be sorry. So, to answer the question? Yes to blogging, at least for now...
I'm so proud of you! And excited to read your ramblings!! Love you
You go Carol!!
Woo Hoo, deareast Sister-in-Law! Another family member and best friend to delight my heart! Looking forward to exchanging comments from time to time. Thanks for the congratulatory comments regarding my award at work. The evening was vey lovely...and my date was charming!
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Be warned.
Add us to your Family! Very cool pic!
Yea, Aunt Carol! We'll be reading!
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