Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Happy birthday Henry!! 3 years old! My how you have grown! You are such a joy and delight to your grams and grandad!! We love you very much!
I am remembering with a thankful heart, your birth event 3 years ago! The desire of your parents heart, the hope and anticipation! Little did any of us expect complications to your birth. The contractions bringing your heart rate low, dangerously low. We are so thankful for modern medicine, quick thinking nurses and doctors who stepped in and brought you into this world!!  Thank you to all who work in the field of medicine!!  Your work on all levels is sooo appreciated!! (especially since I get weak kneed entering a hospital!)
So, with much anxiousness, Henry, you were born!!!  Yeah!! So, may you have the happiest birthday!!  Hugs to you my Henry boy!!!

1 comment:

Lois' Laughlines said...

Such cute boys. Being a gramma really is the best.